Cpsyqo::Hardware::CDRom::Access< Reg, m > | |
Cpsyqo::CDRomDevice::Action< S > | The action base class for the internal state machine |
Cpsyqo::AdvancedPad | An advanced class to access the pads |
Callocated_block_ | |
Cpsyqo::Application | The application class |
Cpsyqo::Coroutine< T >::Awaiter | The awaiter type |
Cpsyqo::Hardware::BasicAccess< offset, BaseAddress, T > | |
CUtilities::BitField< T > | A bit field that can hold multiple bit field elements of different types |
CUtilities::BitFieldInternal::BitFieldHelper< Offset, Width, storageSize, T > | |
CUtilities::BitSpan< T, width > | A bit field element to be used in a BitField |
CBuDirectoryEntry | |
CBuildId | |
Cpsyqo::BumpAllocator< N, safety > | A bump allocator for fragments |
►Cpsyqo::CDRom | The base CDRom class |
Cpsyqo::CDRomDevice | A specialization of the CDRom interface |
Cpsyqo::paths::CDRomLoader | A class that reads files from the CDRom |
CCircularBuffer | |
Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::ClutIndex | A primitive's CLUT command |
CColor | |
Cpsyqo::Color | The Color struct |
Cpsyqo::Hardware::CDRom::CommandFifo | |
CUtilities::BitFieldInternal::ComputeOffset< Target, T > | |
CUtilities::BitFieldInternal::ComputeStorage< T > | |
CConfiguration | |
Cpsyqo::GPU::Configuration | |
Cpsyqo::Coroutine< T > | A suitable type to hold and return a C++20 coroutine |
CCounter | |
CDB | |
CUtilities::BitFieldInternal::DefaultBitSize< T > | |
CUtilities::BitFieldInternal::DefaultBitSize< bool > | |
CDevice | |
CDirectoryEntry | |
CDirEntry | |
Cpsyqo::ISO9660Parser::DirEntry | An ISO9660 directory entry |
CDisplayModeConfig | |
CDMARegisters | |
Cpsyqo::Prim::DrawingAreaEnd | The DrawingAreaEnd primitive |
Cpsyqo::Prim::DrawingAreaStart | The DrawingAreaStart primitive |
Cpsyqo::Prim::DrawingOffset | The DrawingOffset primitive |
Cpsyqo::Coroutine< T >::Empty | |
Cempty_block_ | |
Cpsyqo::Vector< N, precisionBits, T >::EmptyW | |
Cpsyqo::Vector< N, precisionBits, T >::EmptyZ | |
Cpsyqo::AdvancedPad::Event | |
Cpsyqo::SimplePad::Event | |
CEventInfo | |
►Cstd::false_type | |
Cpsyqo::Concepts::CDRomDeviceStateEnumHasIdle< T, typename > | |
Cpsyqo::has_explicit_copy_constructor< T, Enable > | |
CFastFill | |
Cpsyqo::Prim::FastFill | The FastFill primitive |
CFile | |
Cpsyqo::Fragments::FixedFragment< Prim, N > | A maximum fixed sized fragment of similar primitives |
Cpsyqo::Fragments::FixedFragmentWithPrologue< P, Prim, N > | A maximum fixed sized fragment of similar primitives |
Cpsyqo::Prim::FlushCache | The FlushCache primitive |
►Cpsyqo::FontBase | The Font drawing class |
Cpsyqo::Font< N > | |
Cpsyqo::ISO9660Parser::GetDirentryAwaiter | |
Cpsyqo::CDRomDevice::GetPlaybackLocationAwaiter | |
Cpsyqo::CDRomDevice::GetTOCSizeAwaiter | |
Cpsyqo::FontBase::GlyphsFragmentPrologue | |
Cpsyqo::Prim::GouraudLine | The Gouraud-shaded Line primitive |
Cpsyqo::Prim::GouraudQuad | A gouraud-shaded quad |
Cpsyqo::Prim::GouraudTexturedQuad | A textured, blended quad |
Cpsyqo::Prim::GouraudTexturedTriangle | A textured, blended triangle |
Cpsyqo::Prim::GouraudTriangle | A gouraud-shaded triangle |
CMips::GPRRegs | |
Cpsyqo::GPU | The singleton GPU class |
CGPULineCommand | |
CGPUPoint | |
CGPUPolygonCommand | |
CHandler< addr > | |
CHandlerInfo | |
CHandlersStorage | |
►CHello | |
CHelloWorld | |
Cpsyqo::ISO9660Parser::InitializeAwaiter | |
CMips::Decoder::Instruction | |
Cpsyqo::ISO9660Parser | An ISO9660 parser |
CJmpBuf | |
CLerp | |
CLerpC | |
CLerpD | |
CLerpS | |
CLerpU | |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Line | The Line primitive |
Cpsyqo::Prim::MaskControl | The MaskControl primitive |
CMatrix2D | |
Cpsyqo::Matrix33 | |
CMatrix3D | |
CMODFileFormat | |
CMODSampleData | |
Cpsyqo::MSF | |
Cpsyqo::CDRomDevice::MuteAwaiter | |
CN2EDHeader | |
►Cpsyqo::OrderingTableBase | |
Cpsyqo::OrderingTable< N, safety > | The ordering table. Used to sort fragments before sending them to the GPU |
Cpsyqo::GTE::PackedVec3 | A GTE-compatible short vector |
Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::PageInfo | A primitive's page info attribute |
Cpatch | |
CPathTableEntry | |
CpioInfo | |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Pixel | The Pixel primitive |
Cpsyqo::CDRomDevice::PlaybackLocation | |
Cpsyqo::Prim::PolyLine< N > | The primitive used to draw a polyline |
Cpsyqo::Prim::PolyLineBegin | The primitive used to begin a polyline |
Cpsyqo::Prim::PolyLineEnd | |
CProcess | |
CpsxExeHeader | |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Quad | A flat-colored quad |
Cpsyqo::CDRom::ReadRequest | An asynchronous read request |
Cpsyqo::ISO9660Parser::ReadRequest | An asynchronous read request |
Cpsyqo::CDRomDevice::ReadTOCAwaiter | |
Cpsyqo::Rect | The Rect struct |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Rectangle | The Rectangle primitive |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Rectangle16x16 | The 16x16 Rectangle primitive |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Rectangle8x8 | The 8x8 Rectangle primitive |
►Cpsyqo::Hardware::Register< offset, T, writeQueue, Access > | |
Cpsyqo::Hardware::CPU::IRQReg< offset > | |
CRegisters | |
Cpsyqo::CDRomDevice::ResetAwaiter | |
Cs_info | |
Cs_strargument | |
Cpsyqo::Scene | The Scene class |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Scissor | A compounded Scissor primitive |
CsgMprintf | |
Cpsyqo::Fragments::SimpleFragment< Prim > | A fragment containing a single primitive |
Cpsyqo::SimplePad | A simple class to access the pads |
CSIO | |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Sprite | The Sprite primitive |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Sprite16x16 | The 16x16 Sprite primitive |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Sprite1x1 | The 1x1 Sprite primitive |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Sprite8x8 | The 8x8 Sprite primitive |
Cpsyqo::SPU | |
CSPUChannelData | |
CSpuInstrumentData | |
CSPUVoice | |
Cpsyqo::TaskQueue::Task | The Task class |
Cpsyqo::TaskQueue | A task queue for processing tasks sequentially |
Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::TexInfo | A primitive's texture information |
Cpsyqo::Prim::TexturedQuad | A textured quad |
Cpsyqo::Prim::TexturedTriangle | A textured triangle |
CThread | |
Cpsyqo::Prim::TPage | |
Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::TPageAttr | A primitive's tpage attribute |
Cpsyqo::Prim::Triangle | A flat-colored triangle |
Cpsyqo::Trig< precisionBits > | A trigonometry table |
►Cstd::true_type | |
Cpsyqo::Concepts::CDRomDeviceStateEnumHasIdle< T, std::enable_if_t< T::IDLE==T(0)> > | |
Cpsyqo::has_explicit_copy_constructor< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible_v< T > &&!std::is_convertible_v< const T &, T > >::type > | |
Cpsyqo::CDRomDevice::UnmuteAwaiter | |
Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::UVCoords | A primitive's UV coordinates attribute |
Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::UVCoordsPadded | A primitive's UV coordinates attribute |
Cpsyqo::Vector< N, precisionBits, T > | |
Cpsyqo::Vector< 3 > | |
Cpsyqo::Vertex | The Vertex struct |
CVertex2D | |
CVertex3D | |
Cpsyqo::Prim::VRAMUpload | Initiates a VRAM upload |
Cpsyqo::FontBase::XPrintfInfo | |