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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cpsyqo::Hardware::CDRom::Access< Reg, m >
 Cpsyqo::CDRomDevice::Action< S >The action base class for the internal state machine
 Cpsyqo::AdvancedPadAn advanced class to access the pads
 Cpsyqo::ApplicationThe application class
 Cpsyqo::Coroutine< T >::AwaiterThe awaiter type
 Cpsyqo::Hardware::BasicAccess< offset, BaseAddress, T >
 CUtilities::BitField< T >A bit field that can hold multiple bit field elements of different types
 CUtilities::BitFieldInternal::BitFieldHelper< Offset, Width, storageSize, T >
 CUtilities::BitSpan< T, width >A bit field element to be used in a BitField
 Cpsyqo::BumpAllocator< N, safety >A bump allocator for fragments
 Cpsyqo::CDRomThe base CDRom class
 Cpsyqo::paths::CDRomLoaderA class that reads files from the CDRom
 Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::ClutIndexA primitive's CLUT command
 Cpsyqo::ColorThe Color struct
 CUtilities::BitFieldInternal::ComputeOffset< Target, T >
 CUtilities::BitFieldInternal::ComputeStorage< T >
 Cpsyqo::Coroutine< T >A suitable type to hold and return a C++20 coroutine
 CUtilities::BitFieldInternal::DefaultBitSize< T >
 CUtilities::BitFieldInternal::DefaultBitSize< bool >
 Cpsyqo::ISO9660Parser::DirEntryAn ISO9660 directory entry
 Cpsyqo::Prim::DrawingAreaEndThe DrawingAreaEnd primitive
 Cpsyqo::Prim::DrawingAreaStartThe DrawingAreaStart primitive
 Cpsyqo::Prim::DrawingOffsetThe DrawingOffset primitive
 Cpsyqo::Coroutine< T >::Empty
 Cpsyqo::Vector< N, precisionBits, T >::EmptyW
 Cpsyqo::Vector< N, precisionBits, T >::EmptyZ
 Cpsyqo::Prim::FastFillThe FastFill primitive
 Cpsyqo::Fragments::FixedFragment< Prim, N >A maximum fixed sized fragment of similar primitives
 Cpsyqo::Fragments::FixedFragmentWithPrologue< P, Prim, N >A maximum fixed sized fragment of similar primitives
 Cpsyqo::Prim::FlushCacheThe FlushCache primitive
 Cpsyqo::FontBaseThe Font drawing class
 Cpsyqo::Prim::GouraudLineThe Gouraud-shaded Line primitive
 Cpsyqo::Prim::GouraudQuadA gouraud-shaded quad
 Cpsyqo::Prim::GouraudTexturedQuadA textured, blended quad
 Cpsyqo::Prim::GouraudTexturedTriangleA textured, blended triangle
 Cpsyqo::Prim::GouraudTriangleA gouraud-shaded triangle
 Cpsyqo::GPUThe singleton GPU class
 CHandler< addr >
 Cpsyqo::ISO9660ParserAn ISO9660 parser
 Cpsyqo::Prim::LineThe Line primitive
 Cpsyqo::Prim::MaskControlThe MaskControl primitive
 Cpsyqo::GTE::PackedVec3A GTE-compatible short vector
 Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::PageInfoA primitive's page info attribute
 Cpsyqo::Prim::PixelThe Pixel primitive
 Cpsyqo::Prim::PolyLine< N >The primitive used to draw a polyline
 Cpsyqo::Prim::PolyLineBeginThe primitive used to begin a polyline
 Cpsyqo::Prim::QuadA flat-colored quad
 Cpsyqo::CDRom::ReadRequestAn asynchronous read request
 Cpsyqo::ISO9660Parser::ReadRequestAn asynchronous read request
 Cpsyqo::RectThe Rect struct
 Cpsyqo::Prim::RectangleThe Rectangle primitive
 Cpsyqo::Prim::Rectangle16x16The 16x16 Rectangle primitive
 Cpsyqo::Prim::Rectangle8x8The 8x8 Rectangle primitive
 Cpsyqo::Hardware::Register< offset, T, writeQueue, Access >
 Cpsyqo::SceneThe Scene class
 Cpsyqo::Prim::ScissorA compounded Scissor primitive
 Cpsyqo::Fragments::SimpleFragment< Prim >A fragment containing a single primitive
 Cpsyqo::SimplePadA simple class to access the pads
 Cpsyqo::Prim::SpriteThe Sprite primitive
 Cpsyqo::Prim::Sprite16x16The 16x16 Sprite primitive
 Cpsyqo::Prim::Sprite1x1The 1x1 Sprite primitive
 Cpsyqo::Prim::Sprite8x8The 8x8 Sprite primitive
 Cpsyqo::TaskQueue::TaskThe Task class
 Cpsyqo::TaskQueueA task queue for processing tasks sequentially
 Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::TexInfoA primitive's texture information
 Cpsyqo::Prim::TexturedQuadA textured quad
 Cpsyqo::Prim::TexturedTriangleA textured triangle
 Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::TPageAttrA primitive's tpage attribute
 Cpsyqo::Prim::TriangleA flat-colored triangle
 Cpsyqo::Trig< precisionBits >A trigonometry table
 Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::UVCoordsA primitive's UV coordinates attribute
 Cpsyqo::PrimPieces::UVCoordsPaddedA primitive's UV coordinates attribute
 Cpsyqo::Vector< N, precisionBits, T >
 Cpsyqo::Vector< 3 >
 Cpsyqo::VertexThe Vertex struct
 Cpsyqo::Prim::VRAMUploadInitiates a VRAM upload