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GPUPolygonCommand Struct Reference

#include <common/hardware/gpu.h>

Collaboration diagram for GPUPolygonCommand:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

enum Shading shading
enum VerticesCount verticesCount
enum Textured textured
enum Transparency transparency
enum Blending blending
union Color color

Member Data Documentation

◆ blending

enum Blending GPUPolygonCommand::blending

◆ color

union Color GPUPolygonCommand::color

◆ shading

enum Shading GPUPolygonCommand::shading

◆ textured

enum Textured GPUPolygonCommand::textured

◆ transparency

enum Transparency GPUPolygonCommand::transparency

◆ verticesCount

enum VerticesCount GPUPolygonCommand::verticesCount

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: