▼NMips | |
►NDecoder | |
NEncoder | |
CGPRRegs | |
▼Npsyqo | |
NBezier | |
►NConcepts | |
NDMA | |
NFixedPointInternals | |
►NFragments | The fragments helpers |
►NGTE | |
►NHardware | |
►NKernel | The Kernel namespace for internal use |
►Npaths | |
►NPrim | |
►NPrimPieces | |
NSoftMath | |
Ntimer_literals | |
Ntrig_literals | |
NTrigInternals | |
►CAdvancedPad | An advanced class to access the pads |
CApplication | The application class |
CBumpAllocator | A bump allocator for fragments |
►CCDRom | The base CDRom class |
►CCDRomDevice | A specialization of the CDRom interface |
CColor | The Color struct |
►CCoroutine | A suitable type to hold and return a C++20 coroutine |
CFont | |
►CFontBase | The Font drawing class |
►CGPU | The singleton GPU class |
Chas_explicit_copy_constructor | |
Chas_explicit_copy_constructor< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible_v< T > &&!std::is_convertible_v< const T &, T > >::type > | |
►CISO9660Parser | An ISO9660 parser |
CMatrix33 | |
CMSF | |
COrderingTable | The ordering table. Used to sort fragments before sending them to the GPU |
COrderingTableBase | |
CRect | The Rect struct |
CScene | The Scene class |
►CSimplePad | A simple class to access the pads |
CSPU | |
►CTaskQueue | A task queue for processing tasks sequentially |
CTrig | A trigonometry table |
►CVector | |
CVertex | The Vertex struct |
RFragment | The Fragment concept |
RPrimitive | The Primitive concept |
REnum | |
▼NUtilities | |
►NBitFieldInternal | |
CBitField | A bit field that can hold multiple bit field elements of different types |
CBitSpan | A bit field element to be used in a BitField |