No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NFragmentsThe fragments helpers
 NKernelThe Kernel namespace for internal use
 CAdvancedPadAn advanced class to access the pads
 CApplicationThe application class
 CBumpAllocatorA bump allocator for fragments
 CCDRomThe base CDRom class
 CCDRomDeviceA specialization of the CDRom interface
 CColorThe Color struct
 CCoroutineA suitable type to hold and return a C++20 coroutine
 CFontBaseThe Font drawing class
 CGPUThe singleton GPU class
 Chas_explicit_copy_constructor< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_copy_constructible_v< T > &&!std::is_convertible_v< const T &, T > >::type >
 CISO9660ParserAn ISO9660 parser
 COrderingTableThe ordering table. Used to sort fragments before sending them to the GPU
 CRectThe Rect struct
 CSceneThe Scene class
 CSimplePadA simple class to access the pads
 CTaskQueueA task queue for processing tasks sequentially
 CTrigA trigonometry table
 CVertexThe Vertex struct
 RFragmentThe Fragment concept
 RPrimitiveThe Primitive concept
 CBitFieldA bit field that can hold multiple bit field elements of different types
 CBitSpanA bit field element to be used in a BitField