Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- m -
- main() : main.c, cxxglue.c, ucl-demo.cpp, gpu.c, main.c, generate.c, demo.c, main.c, main.cpp, cube.c, main.c
- matrixVertexMul3D() : math.c, math.h
- matrixVertexMul3Dxy() : math.c, math.h
- matrixVertexMul3Dz() : math.c, math.h
- mcAllowNewCard() : card.h, driver.c
- mcGetLastDevice() : card.h, driver.c
- mcInfoHandler() : card.h
- mcReadHandler() : card.h
- mcReadSector() : card.h, driver.c
- mcResetStatus() : card.c, card.h
- mcWaitForStatus() : card.c, card.h
- mcWaitForStatusAndReturnIndex() : card.c, card.h
- mcWriteHandler() : card.h
- mcWriteSector() : card.h, driver.c
- memcpy() : memory-c.c
- MOD_Check() : modplayer.c, modplayer.h
- MOD_Load() : modplayer.c, modplayer.h
- MOD_LoadEx() : modplayer.c, modplayer.h
- MOD_PlayNote() : modplayer.c, modplayer.h
- MOD_PlaySoundEffect() : modplayer.c, modplayer.h
- MOD_Poll() : modplayer.c, modplayer.h
- MOD_Relocate() : modplayer.c, modplayer.h
- MOD_SetMusicVolume() : modplayer.c, modplayer.h
- MOD_Silence() : modplayer.c, modplayer.h
- multiplyMatrix3D() : math.c, math.h