Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- i -
- if() : string.h
- init_crc32() : crc32.h
- initBackupUnit() : card.h, backupunit.c
- initCard() : card.h
- initCD() : cdrom.c, cdrom.h
- initCDRom() : cdrom.c, cdrom.h
- initEvents() : events.c, events.h
- initGPU() : gpu.h, gpu.c
- initgun_1_execute() : initgun_1.c, patches.c
- initializeCDRomHandlersAndEvents() : cdrom.c, cdrom.h
- initPad() : pad.h
- initPadHighLevel() : pad.h
- initSPU() : spu.c, spu.h
- initThreads() : threads.c, threads.h
- initTimer() : handlers.h
- installExceptionHandlers() : exceptions.cpp
- installKernelHandlers() : handlers.c, handlers.h
- installStdIo() : fileio.h, stdio.c
- int() : syscalls.h
- ioabortraw() : fileio.h, misc.c
- ioAbortWithMsg() : fileio.h, misc.c
- isCDAudio() : cdrom.c, cdrom.h
- isCDError() : cdrom.c, cdrom.h
- isCDSuccess() : cdrom.c, cdrom.h
- isFileConsole() : fileio.h, misc.c