This is the complete list of members for psyqo::GPU, including all inherited members.
Application | psyqo::GPU | friend |
armPeriodicTimer(uint32_t period, eastl::function< void(uint32_t)> &&callback) | psyqo::GPU | |
armTimer(uint32_t deadline, eastl::function< void(uint32_t)> &&callback) | psyqo::GPU | |
c_chainThreshold | psyqo::GPU | static |
cancelTimer(uintptr_t id) | psyqo::GPU | |
chain(Frag &fragment) | psyqo::GPU | inline |
chain(Frag1 *first, Frag2 *last) | psyqo::GPU | inline |
chain(OrderingTable< N, safety > &table) | psyqo::GPU | inline |
changeTimerPeriod(uintptr_t id, uint32_t period, bool reset=false) | psyqo::GPU | |
clear(Color bg={{0, 0, 0}}) | psyqo::GPU | |
ColorMode enum name | psyqo::GPU | |
delay(uint32_t microseconds) | psyqo::GPU | inline |
disableScissor() | psyqo::GPU | |
enableScissor() | psyqo::GPU | |
getClear(Prim::FastFill &ff, Color bg={{0, 0, 0}}) const | psyqo::GPU | |
getFrameCount() const | psyqo::GPU | inline |
getNextClear(Prim::FastFill &ff, Color bg={{0, 0, 0}}) const | psyqo::GPU | |
getNextScissor(Prim::Scissor &scissor) | psyqo::GPU | |
getParity() const | psyqo::GPU | inline |
getRefreshRate() const | psyqo::GPU | inline |
getScissor(Prim::Scissor &scissor) | psyqo::GPU | |
initialize(const Configuration &config) | psyqo::GPU | |
Interlace enum name | psyqo::GPU | |
isChainIdle() const | psyqo::GPU | |
isChainTransferred() const | psyqo::GPU | |
isChainTransferring() const | psyqo::GPU | |
MiscSetting enum name | psyqo::GPU | |
now() const | psyqo::GPU | inline |
pauseTimer(uintptr_t id) | psyqo::GPU | |
psyqo::Kernel::takeOverKernel | psyqo::GPU | friend |
pumpCallbacks() | psyqo::GPU | |
Resolution enum name | psyqo::GPU | |
resumeTimer(uintptr_t id) | psyqo::GPU | |
sendChain() | psyqo::GPU | |
sendChain(eastl::function< void()> &&callback, DMA::DmaCallback dmaCallback=DMA::FROM_MAIN_LOOP) | psyqo::GPU | |
sendFragment(const Frag &fragment) | psyqo::GPU | inline |
sendFragment(const Frag &fragment, eastl::function< void()> &&callback, DMA::DmaCallback dmaCallback=DMA::FROM_MAIN_LOOP) | psyqo::GPU | inline |
sendPrimitive(const Prim &primitive) | psyqo::GPU | inline |
sendRaw(uint32_t data) | psyqo::GPU | inlinestatic |
uploadToVRAM(const uint16_t *data, Rect region) | psyqo::GPU | |
uploadToVRAM(const uint16_t *data, Rect region, eastl::function< void()> &&callback, DMA::DmaCallback dmaCallback=DMA::FROM_MAIN_LOOP) | psyqo::GPU | |
US_PER_HBLANK | psyqo::GPU | static |
VideoMode enum name | psyqo::GPU | |
waitChainIdle() | psyqo::GPU | inline |
waitFifo() | psyqo::GPU | |
waitReady() | psyqo::GPU |